Life exists in the change. Clinging to one thing and having aversions to another only blocks energy from moving naturally through these points of transition.
Just as it makes little sense to grieve over the passing of autumn, it is equal insanity to long for spring.
Life exists here.
Life exists now.
Your life does not exist next summer because how can it? It’s happening now. Next summer is not happening now.
Your life doesn’t exist last spring either. It’s happening now. Last spring is not happening now.
This doesn’t mean never look at the past or future. It simply means do it with the underlying deep awareness that the only thing that actually matters is here and now.
This moment is arising and passing now. Today is arising and passing now. This eternal moment is all there is. Always arising. Always passing.
Let go of this clinging, let go of hoping and wishing, let go of resisting. Root yourself first in this moment.
Once you see yourself for what you truly are beyond the insanity of was and will be, the path becomes clear on its own.