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Writer's picture: Kendra CouplandKendra Coupland

There are two paths people can walk in life. The path of fear, or the path of love.

Some of us walk around fearful of what others think, fearful of rejection. Their actions are guided by fear, no matter how subtle. They are quiet and allow themselves to be walked on, or they are obnoxiously loud out of fear of not being heard.

I have lived a life of fear. I was obnoxiously loud. I was ignorant not only by naivety, and fear but also by choice at times. I was so fearful of my loneliness. I was scared of being rejected and I would bitch and moan about everything because at the very least putting low vibration energy out there attracted others (albeit other low vibration people), and then I wasn’t alone.

Yet surrounded by people, some part of my life didn’t resonate with me. I hated living in fear, because it dominated every level of my life: I was afraid to reclaim the word God back for myself because it’s such a bloodstained word that seems to offend everyone. I shaved my legs because I was afraid the natural hair on my legs might offend someone not living in my body. I was even afraid to post things that had come to me in meditation. I even worried about my clothes ‘matching’ when I left the house. I hated trying to constantly justify my actions to myself and others. It was always out of fear.

I’m done with that life of fear, though.

I’m ready to walk a path of love. I’m ready to let compassion, love, acceptance, and inner wisdom guide me. I will parent, and work, and create and maintain meaningful friendships and connections with my true values in mind. It’s not an easy path to give up fear, it’s a long and arduous one actually. I have to check in with myself daily as I walk through the world and ask myself “is this an act of love?”

I fail daily, but I try again and again. It’s now my only real goal in life – to live love daily.

The Bhagavad Gita says that since God is the potential in energy itself, that all things are God. You, me, the trees, the earth and stars. We are tiny fragments of the infinite, and unimaginable.

Therefore every loving action is an act of worship whether one single person believes it to be or not. There are many paths to love and peace, and therefore God accepts all actions given with a loving heart (even to the self). A cup of water to a friend, a worm picked up off the sidewalk and moved to the grass, a flower to a lover, food given to the hungry, a hug for a sister or brother, mindfulness of the breath, giving gratitude for abundance, being gentle on the earth, petting a dog, empathetic listening, or giving a helping hand, a prayer said for someone in desperation, or simply stopping to notice and appreciate the way the trees move in the wind.

All these things are acts of love, and they are accepted as worship by the divine energy of the universe that permeates all things. I know this as my truth because God-energy exists in me, and my vitality is amplified when I live in accordance with love.

Love has become my religion.

When I feel disharmony in my life or body I can be sure that there has been a lapse in love. These lapses are a direct reflection of disharmony on a spiritual level, perhaps within myself, or within the collective of consciousness (since we are all one singular stream of consciousness, and our actions affect each other).

Maybe you too have been living in fear, maybe you are waking up and transitioning to love, but just know you’re not alone. There are a lot of people out there who are where you are, just beginning to step into love.

There are many paths to peace. All are accepted, if you act with a loving heart.

A question I often ask myself is, “Is this an action of love?”

I try to ask myself this when in conflict with another, even when I feel very reactive.

What path are you choosing today? Are you choosing to live in fear? Are you choosing to live in love?

Every moment that choice is yours and yours alone.

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